Calderon, Chong, & Loayaza (2002)

There is a statistically significant relationship between the real exchange rate and the current account deficit.

Lane & Milesi-Ferretti (2012)

The modest role of the exchange rate in the process of bringing the current account balance into equilibrium has been recognized.

Debelle & Faruquee (1996)

They mention that there is a high impact of the exchange rate on the current account. Also, a positive effect of real exchange rate depreciation on the current account deficit exists.

Herrmann (2009)

A more flexible exchange rate regime significantly improves the rate of current account adjustment (in Central, Eastern and South-East Europe).

Arratibel, Furceri, Martin, & Zdzienicka (2011)

It has been found that a lower exchange rate volatility is related to a larger current account deficit.

Mirdala (2016)

During the global economic crisis, the impact of the exchange rate on the current account was decreased, so the application of currency devaluation as a suitable instrument for decreasing the external disequilibrium in those countries is not proper.

Cesaroni & De Santis (2015)

By analyzing two groups of countries—the EU periphery and core member states—say that the real exchange rate has a substantial impact on the current account balance of payments.

Shibamoto & Kitano (2012)

By analyzing all G7 countries during the 1990s they have shown that temporary shocks have not been the main source of fluctuation in the current account since the 1990s.