Variable | Source |
Imports (M) of aggregate goods and services | Constant 2000 US Dollars (USD), Source; WITS, World Bank, April 2014. |
Import of consumer goods and services (Co) | Constant 2000 US Dollars (USD), Based on the Broad Economic Categories (BEC) Source; WITS, World Bank, April 2014 |
Import of intermediate goods and services (I) | Constant 2000 US Dollars (USD), Based on the Broad Economic Categories (BEC) Source; WITS, World Bank, April 2014 |
Imports of capital goods and services (K) | Constant 2000 US Dollars (USD), Based on the Broad Economic Categories (BEC) Source; WITS, World Bank, April 2014 |
Real GDP per capita (Y) | Constant 2000 US Dollars (USD). Source; World Bank, World Development Indicators (WDI), July 2014. |
Relative import price (RPM). | International Monetary Fund’s (IMF) International Finance Statistics (IFS), July 2014. Constructed by dividing imports prices by domestic prices. |
Average tariff rate (ATR) | Weighted average tariff rate. Source; World Bank, World Development Indicators (WDI), July 2014. |
Trade ratio to GDP | World Bank, World Development Indicators (WDI), July 2014. |
Exports in values (X) | World Bank, World Development Indicators (WDI), July 2014. |
Real effective exchange rate (REER) | International Monetary Fund’s (IMF) International Finance Statistics (IFS), July 2014. Constructed by dividing disaggregated imports by the price indices. |