
Public Response (examples)

Plague in Italian Cities 1630

Serious grievances and resentment of quarantines

Plague in Moscow 1771

Riots, looting, invasion of Kremlin, killing of Archbishop

First Cholera Pandemic 1817-1824

Manilla, Philippines: populace thought it was a plot to poison the water; rioting

Second Cholera Pandemic 1827-1835

St Petersburg, Russia: Riots, blamed police, physicians, foreigners for epidemic

Paris: Cholera was a hoax, and the elite was poisoning people. Angry crowds attacked doctors, hospitals

Third Cholera Pandemic 1839-1856

Brazil: near chaos, government functions stopped, patients were abandoned

“Fevers” & Great Famine in Ireland 1846-1850

Complete disintegration of the social norms

Fourth Cholera Pandemic 1863-1875

Egypt: Resentment and resistance against government for trying to destroy property of the sick

Smallpox in Europe 1870-1875

Britain: anti-vaccination movement

Fifth Cholera Pandemic 1881-1896

In Naples, people defied bans on religious processions

In Russia, mobs attacked medical personnel and burned down cholera barrack

In India, widespread protests of closure of Hindu pilgrimage

Influenza Pandemic 1918-1919

USA: Skepticism about efficacy of mask wearing, protests over closure of taverns, schools, churches