

communication and emotions

My relationship with my parents is OK, but not very good with my spouse. I have a good relationship with my friends... I live in a place where I don’t have many neighbors and I seldom participate in community activities



Health conditions

I worked very hard some years ago, sometimes I don’t eat in time, which affected my health, but now my health is OK



Social relations

I live alone in Beijing now... Now I work and live by myself, my family don’t live together, but we also have contacts

I#11’s utility of life (I am very satisfied with my living conditions and my work)


Physical strength, energy

I can keep up with my energy and physical strength. My work is always under pressure, but I can accept it. I don’t feel very tired



Somatic comfort

I feel a little fatigued when I work overtime, but generally I don’t have pain and other sensation



Living conditions

and environments

The space of the house is small when we rented a house a few years ago. Now we live in the house I bought, and the space is larger and the sanitary conditions are better. Now we live in a very convenient place


Occupation and income

I have been engaged in research and development in the Internet software industry, and I am very satisfied with my current income



Do right things

My life in Beijing is similar to what I expected. The house problem has been resolved and we have bought a house... I am still worried about whether my child can take the college entrance examination in Beijing in the future, because she don’t have local hukou. However,

I still have hope to acquire Beijing hukou (household registration books), and I have applied for jifen luohu (points-based household registration system) ... Although my parents regard that Beijing is far away from our hometown, they also support us to stay in Beijing


Interpersonal communication and emotions

Now family members live together every day, caring and loving each other



Health conditions

I often exercise and my health is OK



Social relations

I keep normal interpersonal relationships with people around me. I have a good relationship with my family and I feel happy