
Does not experience sexual attraction or desire.


Can be attracted to any sex or gender.

Binary system

A system comprised of two opposing parts. Male/Female is a binary system for sex, and man/woman is a binary system for gender.


Complex: influenced by each of the gender terms below, based on emotional, behavioral, and cultural characteristics.

Gender identity

Our internal, personal sense of what our gender is, is one view, everyone has gender identity, like sexual orientation, gender identity can be conceptualized as infinite points along a continuum.

Gender fluid

Gender identity that shifts, it may or may not be binary. A gender fluid individual may feel like a man some days, and like a woman some days, they may or may not also identify as non-binary as genderqueer, some or all of the time.


Individual acknowledges the “queer” in a persons’ sense of self.


Individual who gender identity “matches” the sex of their body and the gender they were assigned at birth.


Individual who identifies as being without a gender.


Individual who seeks medical or surgical treatments as part of the process of expressing their gender.


Individual who is a homosexual woman. The word lesbian is also used for women in relation to their sexual identity or sexual behavior, regardless of sexual orientation. Or same-sex attraction.


Individual whose sexual orientation is the same sex. Often referred to the men only.


Individual who is sexually attracted not exclusively to people of one particular gender.