Parameter & design criteria*

Equation* & obtained value

Design flow, Qpeak = 82,500 m3/day

No. of grit chamber in unit = 2

Detention time, D.T = 3 min

Depth: width = 1: 1.2

Depth = 3 m

Volumeofeachtank = Q p e a k D .T / 2 = 86 m 3

Width = 3.6 m

Length = 8 m

The air-supply requirement = 0.3 m3/min/m

totalAirRequirement = 4.8 m 3 / min

Quantity of grit to be removed = 0.015 m3/103m3 at Qave

Totalvolumeofgrit = 0.45 m 3 / d