Benefits as good, service or function

Value type

Valuation technique

Data needs


Profits through sand commercialization

Direct use

Market Price-Based Methods

Structural organization of the actors

Volume of sand extracted per year

Market price of lagoon sand


Mitigate the filling of the lakes

Indirect use

Benefit transfer: function transfer

Volume of sand extracted per season and per year. Total volume of the water body. Total area of the lakes


Deeping some area: improve pelagic habitat for fish reproduction

Indirect use

Benefit transfer: function transfer

Volume of sand extracted

Geographic location of extraction points.

Average density of fish in the lakes.


Moderate flood events

Indirect use

Benefit transfer: function transfer

Volume of sand extracted

Area impacted by flooding


Decrease pressure on terrestrial sand mining

Indirect use

Cost-based Methods: replacement cost

Volume of sand extracted per year

Market price of sand from other quarries