1.1. Traditional education curriculum (before the introduction of the European styled education system)

Focused on socio-cultural cohession as well as indigenous economic activities.

Traditional education curriculum has been responsive to social, culture and economic cohersion.

1.2. Missionary education curriculum (from 1806-1990)

Focused on religion, imparted European domestic and industrial knowledge to create royals and domestic servants.

Responsive to culture, through converting indigenous people to European religious beliefs, economic responsiveness to serve the missionaries.

1.3. Curriculum during the German colonialism era (1884-1915)

Left education of indigenous people in the hands of missionaries but controlled what was to be in the curriculum.

Like missionary education, the response was more geared towards cementing the western socio-economic and cultural superiority.

1.4. Curriculum under the South African colonial rule (1915-990)

South Africa colonialist introduced various reforms to respond to social, political and economic activities of the time.

The curriculum was responsive to social and culture by promoting white supremacy, apartheidness as well as economic responsive where education produced semi-skilled labourers and basic administrative personnel.


2.1. Unification of segregated education systems (1990-)

After decades of socio-economic as well as cultural exclusion of indigenous people and injustice which resulted from apartheid policy, unification of education systems was introduced.

Curriculum responded to prolonged cultural injustice as well as the policy of divide and rule. The curriculum responded to culture, social practices and economic activities were indigenous people have been structurally and systematical excluded.

Responsiveness to socio-cultural and well as economic activities.

2.2. Towards education for all in Namibia (1990-)

Goals of access, equit, equality and democracy were introduced to promote towards education for all.

2.3. Junior Secondary Certificate (1991-1993) and Higher/International General Certificate of Secondary Education (1994-1995)

The two exit examination systems were introduced to improve the outcomes at junior as well as senior secondary level. Despite the changes in the draconial language previously used in the assessment the seem to have been no much change.

2.4. Namibia Senior Secondary Certificate (2009-2020)

This change was motivated by move towards indiginisation of assessment.

2.5. The Revised Curriculum for Basic Education (2015-2022)

Curriculum seek to fast track relisation of Vision 2030, which seek to have Namibia industrialised in the knowledge-based economy era.