Data collection tools

Data analysis

Details on evaluation

Sample questions/evaluation criteria



Interview response

To get pupils’ insight on the proposed project, learning skill

1) What is your interview title?

2) Who did you interview?

3) How do you conduct the project?

4) Who helped you?

5) Do you like doing the project?

6) Is it fun?

7) What is difficult for you?

8) Would you like to do the project again?

Pilot study to be conducted to ensure the validity of the questions proposed

Transcribed into verbatim

Questions to be validated by three experts in the education field

The researchers may use the participants’ first/ second language


Observation notes

To observe pupils’ speaking skill

1) Phonological features of speech (rhythm of speech, intonation)

2) Rules of language (vocabulary, grammar)

3) Paralinguistic devices (gestures, facial expressions, body language, verbal tools)

4) Communicative functions (identify, understand and use)

5) Social meaning (formal and informal language, connotation, conversational principals)

Adapted from:

Evaluating Speaking (Kaye, n.d.)


Documents analysis

Pupils’ performance level

Pupils’ performance level on speaking skill by using criteria in Classroom Based Assessment

Initial performance level: Band 3 in speaking skill

Expected performance level: Band 4 in speaking skill