
A3L Students




I love learning Arabic when it takes an advantage of what we already have. My smart phone is always in my hand. So it is very easy and comfortable to get clarifications about some things I missed by just asking my classmates using the A3L WhatsApp group. What I need to do is just post my question and wait for variety of answers.



As a lifelong learning student, I used to rely heavily on SMS at night to contact with my peers to achieve some of my learning purposes. In A3L course, the instructors provided us with a new source to get help from classmates whenever and wherever, because I need to work during daytime.



It is a fabulous and more convenient tool than Google Classroom, Facebook and Skype. It is always on, and surely you will find some of your classmates online as well. There are different opportunities to ask or to discuss with them your interesting course topics. WhatsApp made lifelong learning courses more fun, enjoyable and more interactive.



In many cases, I engaged in discussions while I was in the taxi, bus or in a shopping mall. Learning occurs anywhere and at any time. There is plenty of space for all A3L students to participate without fear or shyness.