

Major Findings/Implications for Teaching RP

( Abrahams, 2012 )


Theoretical instruction

Written reflection

Monthly reflective tutorial

Students felt better prepared to assess learning and practice and increased capacity to reflect in and outside of practice

( Canniford & Fox-Young, 2014 ) Aust.

Online RP module

Online reflective blog.

Reflection aided applying theory to practice

( Cooper, Taft, & Thelen, 2005 ) USA

Online reflection

Online Web conference

Students gained perspective of vulnerability of patient and patient’s family

Student self-evaluation of practice

( Delany & Watkin, 2009 ) Aust.

Reflective incident report

3 hour weekly reflective discussions

Handbook RP theory

Students report CP program was a worthwhile tool and provided a broader way of thinking

Two students gave consistently negative feedback

( Donaghy & Morss, 2007 ) (2000) UK

Reflective patient case report

Reflective dialogue with academic.

Reflective essay/report

Support for higher order cognitive processes, gaining new insights facilitation of problem solving,

Weaknesses identified in the process of marking

( Howe, Barrett, & Leinster, 2009 )


Written reflective report written once each year of the five year course

Reflections focused on challenges to patient contact, peer group and interpersonal conflicts.

Majority of students expressed uncertainty, conflict and emotion

Patterns detected provide guidance to markers

( Lutz, Scheffer, Edelhaeuser, Tauschel, & Neumann, 2013 )


Reflective group session focused on clinical rotation (eight-90 minute sessions with a physician/psychosomatic medicine trainer)

Student self-evaluation: identified lack of skill, moral inconsistencies, conflict with patients and with peers, unrealistic expectations of themselves and used reflective session to resolve issue.

Improved patient care

Students appreciated group support, gained confidence,

( Moriarty & McKinlay, 2008 ) New Zealand

Reflective journal

Journal entries revealed changes in student perspectives, development of a new frame of reference, interpreting meaning from emotionally charged experiences

( Nicholl & Higgins, 2004 ) Ireland

Lectures and discussion

Critical incident analysis

Student journal/diaries

Role-play, art, poetry, music.

Teaching RP effectively only possible in groups of fewer than 10 students

Lack of preparation and prerequisite skills for educators to teach RP a concern―no learning outcomes

( Pitkälä & Mäntyranta, 2004 ) Finland

Reflective journals

Feelings related to own competence and role in relation to patients

( Ramli, Joseph, & Lee, 2013 ) (2013) Malaysia

Reflective journals using structured questions

Learning contract

Issues related to applications of theory to practice,

Concern for limited communication skills,

Self-evaluation students showed ability to make changes in themselves with plans and suggestions

Effectiveness of clinical educators

( Stockhausen, 2005 )


Dialogical debriefing sessions post clinical shift

Reflective journals―unstructured format

Learning to become a nurse through identification of the patient journey and entering the world of the patient

Developing empathy and humanity of caring for another

Recognising patient cues made clearer through reflection