Explanations to Questions

Frequency n (%)

1. If you were obese, how would it affect you?

a) Activities like sports and outings, daily activities

b) No need to worry because that is the way I am

c) It causes diseases e.g. heart diseases

d) Makes me uncomfortable (Self stigmatization)

e) No explanations

6 (6)

39 (41)

28 (29)

8 (8)

15 (16)

2. How would obesity affect your self esteem?

a) It makes me uncomfortable and less confident

b) Overweight/Obesity is the ideal body weight from an African perspective

c) Stigmatization by others

d) No explanations

37 (39)

32 (33)

21 (22)

6 (6)

3. How would obesity affect your social life?

a) Stigmatization

b) Won’t be attracted to the opposite sex

c) Inability to participate in social activities

d) Clothes won’t fit well

e) No need to worry, I like it that way

f) No explanations

29 (30)

11 (11)

21 (22)

2 (2)

25 (26)

6 (8)

4. If you were obese, would you make an effort to lose weight?

a) Obesity is not a problem

b) There is need to exercise and have a low fat diet

c) Obesity is a problem that needs to be addressed

d) Obesity leads to stigmatization

e) No comments

33 (34)

7 (7)

13 (14)

7 (7)

36 (38)