Activity classification | Some concrete examples |
Sleeping | Continuous sleep for more than 30 minutes; napping |
Eating | Breakfast, lunch, supper, snacks |
Personal chores | Washing; going to the toilet; bathing; changing clothes; make-up; haircut |
Medical treatment or recuperation | Activities related to diagnosis of illness and its treatment; hospitalization and recuperation |
Working | Activities for gaining income, including preparation, clearing up, and commuting during work |
Work-related association | Work-related association with senior staff, colleagues, and junior staff; welcome and farewell parties, etc. |
Classes and school activities | Learning activities at school; morning assemblies; tidying up and cleaning of school; school events; school clubs; other extracurricular activities, etc. |
Learning activities outside school | Learning activities at home and/or cram schools, homework |
Cooking, cleaning, laundry | Preparing meals and snacks; clearing after meals; cleaning the house and yard; laundry (including ironing) |
Shopping | Shopping for food; clothing; and other daily necessities |
Caring for children | Childcare; education; transporting children to and from school, etc. |
Miscellaneous | Sorting things out; going to banks and public offices; nursing care for family members other than children |
Commuting to work | Movement between home and place of work (including fields) |
Commuting to school | Movement between home and school |
Social obligations | PTA, local events; meetings; ceremonial occasions; volunteer activities |
Conversation/Personal association | Conversation and association with family members, friends, relatives and acquaintances in person or by telephone or e-mail |
Exercise and sports | Gymnastics, physical exercise, various types of sport and ball games |
Outings and walks | Visits to sight-seeing spots and shopping centers; strolling in town; other walks; angling |
Hobbies, entertainment, cultural activities | Hobbies including study to gain skills or qualifications, appreciation of arts and music, watching games; play; games |
Internet as hobbies, entertainment, cultural activities | Using the Internet as hobby, for entertainment or play (other than e-mail) |
TV | Including the viewing of BS, CS, CATV, 1-seg |
Radio |
Newspapers | Reading morning and/or evening editions of newspapers, trade journals, public relations magazines and leaflets |
Magazines, comic books, books | Reading of weekly or monthly magazines, comic (books), books and catalogs |
CDs, tapes | Listening to music on audio media other than radio, such as CD, digital audio player, tape, or record |
Videos, HDDs, DVDs | Watching videos, HDDs, DVDs (including recorded programs) |
Rest | Resting, enjoying tea or between-meals snacks, doing nothing |
Other activities | Activities other than those described above |