Age | 24 -- 19 - 25 72 -- 26 - 40 78 -- 41 - 59 32 -- 60 or older |
Gender | 152 females 53 males 1 prefer not to answer |
Race | 3 American Indian/Native American 9 Asian 11 Black/African American 28 Hispanic/Latino 142 White/Caucasian 13 other/prefer not to answer |
Education | 6 high school or GED 20 junior/community college or some college 6 technical school 67 college bachelor’s degree 104 college beyond the bachelor’s degree 3 other |
Languagespoken at home | 178 English 14 Spanish 14 other/prefer not to answer |
Religion | 3 Hinduism 3 Judaism 11 Mormon 2 Muslim 46 Protestant 49 Roman Catholic 92 Other/No Preference |
Current employment status | 157 full-time 27 part-time 11 unemployed 7 retired 4 prefer not to answer |
Experience (years) | 22.58 Mean |
Supervisory/managerial experience | 7.29 Mean |
ZIP codes | 91 AZ 28 other states 8 non-U.S. |