
M: 51%

F: 49%

What is your age?

<20 years: 27%

21 - 30 years: 48%

31 - 40 years: 9%

41-50 years: 8%

51 - 70 years: 7%

Where are you living?

New Al-Marj: 71%

Old Al-Marj: 6%

Farm: 23%

How many years have you lived in the area?

1 -5 years: 12%

6 - 10 years: 5%

11 - 15 years: 12%

16 - 20 years: 24%

>years: 47%

Education attained?

Elementary: 1%

Middle-High: 15%

College: 81%

Master’s: 12%

Monthly Income?

$<50: 41%

$50 - 125: 24%

$125 - 250: 24%

$250<: 11%

Have you ever felt an earthquake?

Yes: 88%


How many times have you felt a quake?

1: 19%

2: 29%

3: 20%

>4: 20%

When did you last feel an earthquake?

1 - 12 Month: 51%

1 - 10 years: 35%

11 - 20 years: 2%

>20 years: 1%

What did you do first during the last earthquake?

Prayed: 26%

Screamed: 12%

Sought Cover: 7%

nothing: 40%

Other: 3%

Another quake soon?

Yes: 19%

No: 1%

I don’t know: 69%

When is the next quake?

Days: 1%

Months: 2%

years: 2%

God Knows: 96%

Why do earthquakes happen?

I don’t know: 46%

Allah punishes the sinful: 6%

Allah tests the believers: 23%

Tectonic plate slip: 24%

What is your house’s building type?

Clay: 4%

Adobe brick: 20%

Concrete: 31%

Reinforced concrete: 45%

Who owns your house?


My Family


Government: 3%


How much do you Know about quakes?

Nothing: 25%

Little: 46%

Some: 24%

Much: 5%

Where do you get your information about earthquakes?

TV: 30%

Internet: 38%

Religious books: 1%

Science Papers: 8%

Radio: 8%