






The location of the cafeteria and the general appearance of it are important for me

When I enter the Cafeteria, I try to take a quick look to the general hygiene regulations followed in.

I always look for the rubbish bags and make sure that they are suitable to be used in the cafeteria

It’s very important for me when I entre a cafeteria to make sure that there is a hand washing sink with all the required materials like the hand soap and tissue papers

I always make sure that the chairs and tables are clean

I always make sure that the place is free from insects and especially cockroaches or rodents.

I always observe the floors to make sure that they are clean.

I always observe the cafeteria walls to make sure that they are clean, free from cracks and holes.

I always check on the cafeteria windows to make sure that they were made in a way that prevent dust accumulation

The cafeteria has the mosquito – repellant device

The benches that were made for food preparation are made from marble.

The benches that were made for food preparations are clean and free from cracks and fishers

Vent fans are available clean and appear in good condition.

The cafeteria has good ventilation system that prevents smell and steam accumulation

The cooking utensils appear clean and free from corrosion or blackened

The rubbish collection is done by using proper plastic bags, or special containers that are usually covered

All cooking utensils are kept inside proper cupboards.

The structure of the cafeteria is large enough to let the workers move inside it freely








Cafeteria employee’s must practice proper hygiene

Cafeteria employee’s must cover their heads with proper head cover and wear plastic apron

Cafeteria employee’s valid health certificates are hung on the wall.

It is observed that the cafeteria employee’s clean their hands regularly

Cafeteria employee’s must wear clear plastic gloves when they prepare food.

Cafeteria employee’s must be experts in sandwiches preparation

Cafeteria employee’s do not touch their hair, noses or faces when they are wearing the clear plastic gloves

Cafeteria employee’s do not keep the gloves on when they take the money from the students








Fresh food and meat should not be left outside the fridge to avoid contamination

Sandwiches contents such as eggs, cheese and tuna are kept in separate containers

Cooked food is not left outside the fridge for long time

The available fridge appears in good condition, and its temperature are monitored and recorded on a special sheet on the outside door

Fresh meat and chicken are not cut on the same cutting board that other type of food is cut on

Mayonnaise is kept in small containers and not in a large open bowl that expose it to contamination

Food that was freshly prepared is not close by the air condition which might carry dust that lead to contamination

Tuna fish is left in its special cans and only open before using.

There is no mix-up between the freshly cooked food and row food and vegetables