

Diversity in the workforce increases

Mark stated that “there were other people who were appointed from the city or county to oversee these other structures, and then there were a number of other individuals invited based upon their specific skills or characteristics.”

Leveraging personal and social identities

Frank spoke about human relations explaining “not to say that there wasn’t any contention, there was, but that was what made this joint Emergency Operations Center I think, very successful… everybody really had their eye on the ultimate goal. And that… really is the best thing that we can do for the community that makes them safe, that balances the goals of preserving life, but also protecting liberty.”

Utilizing a global and diverse mindset

James revealed “the few examples of where I can think of where things kind of went off in a bad direction, or kind of indicating a head-scratcher of how did we end up working on this was often because of the lack of relationship or bad relationships that we had with some of the other partners that we tried to bring in.” Paula confirmed the sentiment stating “Some of the conversations could be enhanced by a more open mind initially but, overall it worked out”.

Community and organizational contexts

Frank “the only contention we had initially had to do with the fact that the state was not prepared.” Mark concurred stating that “given the national backdrop, and sometimes the political national backdrop that was going on, it was clear that different opinions were emerging about a number of things in terms of the scale of the national, and maybe even state response, as well as, you know, simple measures versus, or, you know, what some might refer to as restraints in versus freedoms in decision-making.”

Promoting a diversity-supportive and inclusive climate

James said “we did not want this to be a partisan response. We did not want [it] to be viewed as a one-sided ideological response. Our whole gist was how can we best protect the health of our community.”