Name of Isolate and reference plate

Colony morphology (obverse)

Colony morphology (reverse)

Structure of phialides

Frequency n (%)

Plate (b). Aspergillus flavus

Light green powdery colony


Biseriate phialides and aerial hyphae with rough, spiny conidiophores

12 (23%)

Plate (d).

Aspergillus niger

Black with white margin


Biseriate phialides covering entire vesicle forming radiate head

8 (15%)

Plate (a). Aspergillus fumigatus

Velvety, white, dark greenish

Cream white

Uniseriate phialides covering upper two thirds of vesicle.

6 (11%)

Plate (j). Mucor racemosus

White powdery colony

Cream white

Aerial hyphae bearing conidiophores

4 (8%)

Plate (e).

Aspergillus terreus

Velvety, cinnamon brown

Whitish brown

Compact fan-shaped heads with metulae, phialides, and upright conidiophore

5 (9%)

Plate (f). Aspergillus candidus


Orange yellow

Intact sporing head with metulae and phialides, over the entire vesicle

2 (4%)

Plate (g). Penicillium spp.

Bluish green, white margin, exudates present, raised with radial furrows

Creamish yellow

Branching, flask shaped conidiophores with metulae

5 (9%)

Plate (i). Paecilomyces variotii

Yellowish brown

Pale brown

Long slender phialides appearing singly along hyphae

5 (9%)

Plate (c). Aspergillus vesicolor

Greenish yellow

Orange yellow

Biseriate, loosely radiate phialides covering entire vesicle

3 (6%)

Plate (h.) Scedosporium aspiospermum

White cottony aerial mycelia

Greyish black

Septate hyphae with short conidiophores bearing condia singley

3 (6%)

Total number of isolates

53 (16%)