Peaked grind stone

Fraction of the stem with the characteristic cut of chipper knife or the base cutting, on both ends.

Whole sugar cane

Sugar fraction with size equal to or higher than 2/3 of the total, stuck or loose soil by the root length.

Cane tip

Fraction of stem left on the ground and aggregated to the pointer.

Fixed piece

Middle segment of sugar cane (greater than 0.2 m), necessarily attached to the ground.

Loose piece

Middle segment of sugar cane (greater than 0.2 m), necessarily not attached to the ground.


Segmented fraction of the grinding wheel.


Fragments of torncane.


Fraction of the stem, cut above the soil surface, attached to the non-torn roots, with length less than or equal to 0.2 m.

Total losses

Summation of alllosses