Metric Type (April)




Richness Measures

Taxa Richness

Total number of present taxa

Number of EPT Taxa

Number of Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera and Trichoptera

Number of Diptera

Present number of Diptera Taxa

Simpson’s index of diversity

1 − D, D = ∑n(n − 1)/N(N − 1), where D = Simpson index, n = total number of ith taxa and N = total number of all taxa for a site

Shannon-Weiner diversity index

pilnpi, where where pi = relative abundance of ith taxa and S = taxa richness


Composition Measures

% of EPT

Percentage of EPT individuals in a site

% of Diptera

Percentage of Diptera individuals in a site


Tolerance Measures

% of Tolerant species

Percentage of present taxa individuals with tolerance score > 6

% of Facultative species

Percentage of present taxa individuals with tolerance score ≥ 4 to ≤6

% of Intolerant species

Percentage of present taxa individuals with tolerance score < 4