Row | Column | Node | Appendix references | Concept | Depends on/related to | Contribution |
0 Generation |
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0 | 1 | ASTM D5093-15 | [7] | Infiltration rate | 0 | 1 |
1st Generation |
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Row | Column | Node | Appendix references | Concept | Depends on/related to | Contribution |
1 | 1 | PP1,1 | [28] | Hydraulic conductivity | ASTM D5093-15 | The infiltration rate q(t) depends on saturated hydraulic conductivity (Ks) according to the equation [28], 5c, page 318: , where the terms, definitions and dimensions of are presented in detail in the terminology (Table A8) of the Appendix. (S) refers to the sorptivity and (A, B) are constants depended on shape parameter values. |
1 | 2 | PP1,2 | [15] | Soil sorptivity | ASTM D5093-15 | The infiltration rate q(t) into a porous material depends on soil sorptivity (S), for narrow pore size distributions in accordance with the equation 14, on page 1758, on [15]: initially introduced by Brutsaert, 1977, where the terms, definitions and dimensions of are presented in detail in terminology (Table A8) of the Appendix. For clarification purposes, (S) refers to the sorptivity. |
1 | 3 | ASTM1,3 | [2] | Soil Sorptivity | ASTM D5093-15 | The infiltration rate q(t) depends on soil sorptivity (S), according to the implicit function:
where the terms, definitions and dimensions of are presented in detail in the terminology (Table A8) of the Appendix. Rayleigh’s method of indices was deployed along with the echelon matrix procedure as an additional confirmation method. |
1 | 4 | ASTM1,4 | [5] | Hydraulic conductivity | ASTM D5093-15 | The infiltration rate q(t) depends on hydraulic conductivity (K) according to the implicit function:
where the terms, definitions and dimensions of are presented in detail in the terminology (Table A8) of the Appendix. (A) refers to cross section of the infiltrometer cylinder, (Φ) is the total porosity, (θ) is the liquid content/soil-water content, (n) is the pore size distribution index. Rayleigh’s method of indices was deployed along with the echelon matrix procedure as an additional confirmation method. |