Case A

Case B

Case C

Case D

Type of DT and experience with DT technologies


Mobile computing, cloud computing, social networks, big data

Business model(s)

AI, mobile computing, cloud computing

Business process(es)

Mobile computing, BPM, robotic process automation


AI, mobile computing, cloud computing, social networks, big data, IoT

Key PMO roles

Implementing digital agility

Knowledge management

Implementing DT strategy

Change management

Contributing to DT strategy definition

Implementing DT strategy

Implementing digital agility

Knowledge management

Agile transformation of the company

Fundamental PMO staff knowledge and skills

Strategic and operational planning

PM standards and methodologies

Communication and motivational skills

Strategic and operational planning

PM standards and methodologies

Communication and motivational skills


Knowledge about the business domain

Strategic and operational planning

PM standards and methodologies

Knowledge of digital technologies

Communication and motivational skills


PM standards and methodologies

Communication and motivational skills

Project mgmt. approach







Main obstacles in DT strategy implementation

Lack of leadership

Resistance to change

Staff shortage

Lack of leadership

Resistance to change

Regulatory demands

Lack of leadership

Resistance to change

Staff shortage

Performance assessment in DT projects vs. “regular”/ “traditional” projects

No significant change

No significant change

Somewhat more successful

No significant change

Innovations in PMO’s work due to DT

Introduction of an agile/hybrid approach

Improving control and coordination between project managers and projects

Agile PM

Agile PM and agile org. forms/structures

Innovation PM

Digital strategy implementation

Use of digital technologies in organizational transformation

Management support on strategic DT projects

Agile PM

DT caused PMO to be more “digital.”

Neither agree nor disagree.

Agree to some extent

Agree to a large extent

Agree to some extent

DT caused PMO to be more “digital.”

Neither agree nor disagree.

Agree to some extent

Agree to a large extent

Agree to some extent