Crop farming

Children, Girls, Boys, Men, Women, Old men and Old Women

· Boys and girls missing schools

· Climate change

· Conflicts with pastoralists

· Drought and inadequate water

· Exploitation by middlemen

· The high cost of farm inputs

· Invasion of farms by wildlife/livestock

· Lack of extension services

· Lack of farm mechanization

· Lack of funds to facilitate farm activities like the hire of tractors

· Lack of irrigation equipment

· Lack of seeds and pesticides

· Low prices of farm produce

· Low rainfall

· Occasional destruction of crops by floods

· Over-reliance on traditional farming methods

· Pests and diseases

· Poor market

· Poor road network

· Wildlife human conflict due to lack of fencing

· Women have other commitments

· Women lack ownership of farm produce

· Availability of adequate water

· Construction of all-weather roads to link the village to the market

· Enforcement of regulations on trespass

· Establish markets and ensure reasonable market prices

· Establish cooperatives to assist in marketing and provision of loans

· Establishment of livestock corridors through the fencing of the farms

· Farmers to be provided with pesticides and certified seeds

· Installation of solar panel in the farm

· Institute effective wildlife management

· The mechanization of farm activities

· Obtain aid from the county government

· Reduce the costs of farm inputs like certified seeds and pesticides

· Provision of irrigation inputs(generators, pipes and water pump

· Restore original river flow by blocking diversions

· Stop deforestation and sensitize on tree planting

· Strengthening extension services

· Training farmers on better farming methods


Girls, Boys, Men and Women

· Lack of skills and employment opportunities

· Child labour

· Overworking and low salary

· Insecurity

· Poor transport

· Government regulations such as paying tax

· Low level of education and poor working conditions

· Conflicts between Government and workers

· County government to come up with alternatives employment opportunities

· Offer better salaries

· Improved security

· Ensure a good road network

· People to be more educated and trained

· Government to improve all sectors

· Government to address works conflicts through the labour department

Fishing and fishing business

Boys and Men, Old men and women

· Attack by hippos and crocodiles

· Boys lack ownership of fishing gears

· Child labour

· Children missing school

· Destruction of fishing gear by crocodiles

· Drought and drying of lakes and rivers lowering fish catches

· Fishermen lack insurance

· High transport cost

· Lack of proper fishing skills and fishing gears

· Long-distance from the fishing area

· Low catch and overfishing

· Poor market and poor prices

· Poor road network making it difficult reaching market

· Saltwater mixing with freshwater limiting the availability of freshwater fish

· Seasonality of the fishing sector

· Shortage of fish

· Exploitation by middlemen

· Lack of storage equipment

· Introduce fish farming, construction of fishponds and provide appropriate fishing gear

· Provision of secure fishing gear

· Construction of fish storage facilities

· Ensure accessibility of the village by buyers

· Provision of proper fishing gears and storage equipment

· Introduce better fish breeds

· Restore original river flow

· Prevent boys from fishing

· Build more fish market

· Provide capital

· Rehabilitation of dried lakes and degraded mangrove areas

· Restoration of river flow

· Train community on fish farming, modern fishing technologies, value addition and marketing