QX100 droplet digital PCR system


Nasal Swabs and isolated colonies

mecA and SA0140 protein gene

48 h

1) Expensive

2) Specific equipment for DNA extraction and sample processing is required.

3)Not IVD approved


BDMaxStaphSR assay kit

Becton- Dickinson

Nasal Swabs

mecA /mecC, nuc and orfX sequence

4 h

1) Only Nasal swabs can be processed.

2) False negatives were reported.

3) US FDA approved

4) Used for diagnostic purpose

[47] [48]


EliTech Molecular Diagnostics

Nasal Swabs and blood cultures

mecA/mecC, Species specific marker and 16s rRNA

5 h

1) Only nasal swabs can be processed.

2) IVD and US FDA approved


BD GeneOhm MRSA Assay

BD Diagnostics

Nasal and non-nasal swabs only

orfX sequences

2 h

1) US FDA approved for direct detection in nasal swabs.

2) Katja Lucke et al. reported 84.3% sensitivity and 99.2% specificity.

4) False negative results due to sequence variations

5) IVD approved.

[49] [50]

Duplex Light Cycler PCR Assay


Bacterial colonies

mecA and SA442 species specific marker

26 h

Only for culture confirmation


TEX Method

Uncultured Clinical Samples

mecA, 16S rRNA, and nuc

5 h

1) Rules-in or rules-out S. aureus and non-S. aureus species

2) Universal, simple and affordable sample processing protocol for PCR DNA target preparation.

3) Not commercially available yet.
