
Average value (Percentage), n = 79


Male: 29

29/79 (36.7%)

Female: 50

50/79 (63.3%)

Age (years):

65.65 ± 12.62 [33 - 85]

Age group: Young group and elderly group

Young group (≤60 years): 21

21 (26.6%)

Elderly group (>60 years): 58

58 (73.4%)

Divided into 3 age groups (years):

Young group (<40 years old): 2

2/79 (2.5%)

Middle-age group (40 - 60 years old): 19

19/79 (24.1%)

Elderly group (>60 years old): 58

58/79 (73.4%)

Body Mass Index (BMI)

23.19 ± 3.51 [17 - 28]

Degree of obesity

Obesity: 30

30/79 (38%)

Non-obesity: 49

49/79 (62%)

Heart rate (cycle/min)

83.11 ± 19.91 [50: 158]

3.02 - 23.95

Systolic blood pressure

120.76 ± 15.48 [80: 180]

Diatolic blood pressure

71.56 ± 10.57 [48: 100]

INR Value

5.88 ± 3.0

3.02 - 23.95

Degree of INR

INR ≤ 5: 38

38/79 (48.1%)

INR > 5.0: 41

41/79 (51.9%)

p > 0.05

Bleeding complications

n = 18

18/79 (22.9%)

Degree of INR group

INR group > 5: 17

17/18 (94.44%)

INR group ≤ 5: 1

1/18 (5.56%)

p < 0.001