Type of Minutiae


Ridge ending

Abrupt ending of a ridge or the point where the ridge ends suddenly.

Ridge Bifurcation

Divides the single ridge into two ridges or the point where a single ridge branches out two or more ridges.

Ridge ponds, Lake or enclosure

A single ridge bifurcates and rejoins shortly and continues as a single ridge or the empty space between two diverging ridges.

Short ridge, islands or independent ridge

A ridge begins and ends after travelling a short distance. Ridge islands are slightly longer than dots and occupy a middle

space between two diverging ridges.

Ridge Dots

An independent ridge having same length and width or very small ridges.


A short ridge with bifurcation extended as long ridge or a notch protruding from a ridge.

Crossover or bridge

A connecting ridge between two parallel running ridges. Bridges are the small ridges that join longer adjacent ridges. Crossovers are form when two ridges cross each other.