4.1 Algorithm 1- traditional 0-1 Knapsack Algorithm


Witem : Weight of each item ,Pitem: Profit of each item, C : Capacity


SP : array of subproblem to find an optimal solution, X : 0 or 1 select item or not

Step 1

SPij ← {0, 0} // item : number of item , TN :total number of item

Step 2

for item = 1 to TN do // Capcount: : Capacity count

For Capcount ← 0 to C do

If Witem ≤ C then // SP : subproblem

If Pitem + SPD[item -1, Capcount - Witem] > SP [item-1, Capcount] then

SPD[item -1, Capcount] ← Pitem + SP[i - 1, j - Witem]


SP [item , Capcount] ← SP [item -1, Capcount] // Witem > C


End for // Capcount

End for // item

Step 3

item← TN, Capcount ← C

Step 4

while item and Capcount > 0

If SP [item - 1 , Capcount] ≠ SP [item , Capcount] then

item ← item-1, Capcount ← Capcount- Witem

Xtem = 1


item ← item-1

Xtem = 0

end if
