1) Input ; N is the number of modulations 2) Input ; 3) 4) Acquire ; for and ; ( is signal feature). 5) Choose three random elements of and assign them to . ; 6) Plot in 3D 7) Apply k-means clustering (k=N) for ; 8) is cluster and assume 9) ; 10) ; 11) Receive and do stage 4 to 6 then continue. 12) and 13) , there exist , such that 14) ; while is omitted. 15) If thus then go to stage 28. 16) Else compute the average power of cluster ( ) and as the power of . 17) If thus then go to stage 28. 18) Else Calculate the average SNAR of cluster m, is the Mean and is the Standard Deviation of signal from cluster m respectively. 19) Compute the average SNAR of , 20) If thus then go to stage 28. 21) Else calculate the average BER of cluster m, 22) 23) If thus then go to stage 28. 24) Else , there exist such that 25) If then go to stage 27. 26) Else go to stage 15. 27) Announce is a malicious user. 28) Input another signal = SIG go to stage 11. |