Method | Description | Critical Questions Associated with This Method |
public Stock (String sym, String n, double perCha, double cPrice, double pPrice1, double pPrice2, double dH, double dL) | Constructor for normal stocks. This method takes in the symbol, the percent change, current price, price1, price2, day’s low and also day’s high. | Q.1 |
public Stock (String sym, String n, double perCha, double cPrice, int q, double pPrice, String time) | Constructor for Portfolio transactions. Takes in information about stocks which includes: the symbol, percent change, current price, quantity, price, and the time when it was bought. | Q.1 |
public Stock (String s, String t1, int q, double buy, double tc, String t2, int noSell, double sell, double prof, double n) | Constructor for History of all stocks when transactions are made. Method takes in symbol, quantity, net, purchase price, totalCost, quantity, sold price, and profit of stock. | Q.1 |
public SimpleBooleanProperty watchlist Property() | Method within Watch-list to return the stocks owned | Q.1 |
public double getDaysHigh() | Double method to return the day’s high of the stock | Q.1 |
public double getDaysLow() | Double method to return the day’s low of the stock | Q.1 |
public String getRec() | String method to return the time of which the stock was bought. | Q.1 |
public void setRec(String d) | Void method to set the sell time of which a stock was sold at. | Q.1 |
public void setRec2(String d) | Void method (setRec2) to set the sell time of which a stock was sold at. | Q.1 |
public String getRec2() | String method (getRec2) to return the time of which the stock was bought at. | Q.1 |
public String getType() | String method to return trade type of stock | Q.1 |
public void setTotalValue() | Void method that sets the total value of the stock. User quantity return method multiplied by current price return method. | Q.1 |
public double getTotalValue() | Double return method to return the total value of stock | Q.1 |
public int getQuantity() | Int return method to return the quantity of each stock | Q.1 |
public SimpleIntegerProperty quantityProperty() | Return SimpleIntegerProperty method to return the quantity value | Q.1 |
public void setQuantity(int q) | Setter method to set the quantity of the stocks using the Simple InetegerProperty | Q.1 |
public String getSymbol() | Return method to get the symbol of stock | Q.1 |
public SimpleStringProperty symbolProperty() | Method using SimpleStringProperty to return the symbol of stock | Q.1 |
public String getName() | String method to return the name of the stock | Q.1 |
public SimpleStringProperty nameProperty() | Method using SimpleStringProperty to return the name of the stock | Q.1 |
public String getSector() | String method to return the sector of the stock | Q.1 |
public SimpleStringProperty sectorProperty() | Method using SimpleStringProperty to return the symbol of the stock | Q.1 |
public double getPercentChange() | Double method to return the value of the percent change over time with stock | Q.1 |
public SimpleDoubleProperty percent ChangeProperty() | Method using SimpleStringProperty to return the percent change of the stock | Q.1 |
public double getCurPrice() | Double method to return the current price | Q.1 |
public SimpleDoubleProperty curPriceProperty() | Method using SimpleStringProperty to return the current price of the stock | Q.1 |
public double getPrevPrice1() | Double method to return the previous price of a stock | Q.1 |
public SimpleDoubleProperty prevPrice1() | Method using SimpleStringProperty to return the previous price of the stock | Q.1 |
public double getPrevPrice2() | Double method to return the 2nd previous price of a stock | Q.1 |
public SimpleDoubleProperty prevPrice2() | Method using SimpleStringProperty to return the 2nd previous price of a stock | Q.1 |
public void setPurchasePrice() | Method to set the purchase price of the stock | Q.1 |