Decision Rule


1. If the geometric mean lead concentration is <6 µg/handwipe

Conclude that the handwashing program is effective at reducing ingestion exposure.

No further action is required.

2. If the geometric mean lead concentration is ≥6 µg/handwipe and ≤50 µg/handwipe

Conclude the handwashing program needs improvement.

An evaluation of the program to see what steps can be taken to improve handwashing practices is necessary. Conduct training centered on effective handwashing practices for all affected employees. Follow up wipe sampling should be conducted after a training session has been held.

3. If the geometric mean lead concentration is >50 µg/handwipe

Conclude that the handwashing program is not effective at preventing lead exposures through the ingestion pathway.

A thorough evaluation of the program is warranted to determine the root causes of the high dermal loading. Conduct training centered on effective handwashing practices for all affected employees. Follow up wipe sampling should be conducted after a training session has been held.