Clean your child´s nose

Nahuatl of Zongolica

Another Nahuatl variation


Ti(you, subject pronoun) c (object pronoun him/her) chipahua (to clean) i (his/her possessive adjective) yaca (nose, yacatl) cone (child, conetl) uh (possessive)


Xi (imperative) yaca (nose yacatl) popoba (to clean, popoa) mo (you, possessive adjectives) cone (child, conetl)

Breath steam.

Nahuatl of Zongolica

Another Nahuatl variation


Ximo (you, subject pronoun) ihiyoti (to breath hiyotia) ipotoc (steam)

Spit the phlegm

Nahuatl of Zongolica

Another Nahuatl variation


Xi (imperative) chichi (to spit) chichi (saliva, chichitl) alahuac (slimy)

Slowly hit your chest and back.

Nahuatl of Zongolica

Another Nahuatl variation

Ahmomiac xi-huitequi-z i-elpanihuani-tepozco

Ahmo(no) miac (a lot) xi (imperative) huitequi (hit) z (will) i (his/her possessive adjective) elpan (chest, elpantli) ihuan (and) i (his/her possessive adjective) tepozco (back)