40) Schneider and Young (2010)


7 (0♂) patients with MS


PP 3

RR 4

Mean age: 50.4 years

Age range: 41 - 55 years

Mean time with illness: 6.1 years

Mean time until diagnosis: not given.

Sampling: snowball

Eligibility: a) females between 40 - 55 years of age who had been formally diagnosed with either PP or RR multiple sclerosis, b) diagnosis had been in place for a minimum of two years

Setting: Patients home and telephone

Study geographical location: Canada

Data collection tool: semi-structured interview schedule. Considering physical activity, coping stressors and quality of life.

Study Aim: “examine the specific coping strategies they used when managing their MS, in relation to their participation in physical activity” (page 3)

Average interview time: not given.

Interview time range: 19 - 53 mins

Analysis: Thematic analysis

41) Somerset et al. (2002)


16 (8♂) patients with MS


Not given

Mean age: 46.1 years

Age range: 31 - 72 years

Mean time with illness: 12.1 years. Range 1 - 30

Mean time until diagnosis: not given.

Sampling: Maximum variation sampling

Eligibility: a) individuals who had MS, b) individuals who attended a day centre.

Setting: MS day centre

Study geographical location: United Kingdom

Data collection tool: semi-structured interview schedule focused on experiences

Study Aim: “establish the elements of life that were important for the participants. These experiences were then shaped into a broad picture that went some way to elucidate and to expand issues that are common to many people with MS, to suggest how they link together and to highlight possible opportunities for intervention and participation that might improve quality of life. (page 152)

Average interview time:

Interview time range: 60 - 90 mins

Analysis: thematic analysis

42) Soundy et al. (2012)


11 (4♂) patients with MS


SP 6

RR 5

Mean age: 54.5 years

Age range: 42 - 69 years

Mean time with illness: 17.0 years

Mean time until diagnosis: not given

Sampling: purposive

Eligibility: a) individuals who had MS, b) individuals who were part of a larger study.

Setting: MS community centre or Rehabilitation centre

Study geographical location: United Kingdom

Data collection tool: semi-structured interviews focusing on 5 sections relating to hope, control, the MS, information and interaction

Study Aim: “analyse patient’s expression of hope and consider how these expressions fall within the paradox of chronic illness.” (page 345)

Average interview time: not given

Interview time range: not given

Analysis: thematic with apriori concepts

43) Thorne et al. (2004)


12(2♂) patients with MS


Not given

Mean age: not given

Age range: 33 - 54 years

Mean time with illness: not given

Mean time until diagnosis: not given.

Sampling: purposive

Eligibility: (a) Patients with MS who have been diagnosed for at least 5 years

Setting: Patients home or “convenient location”

Study geographical location: Canada

Data collection tool:

Study Aim: “we posed the question How do persons with MS describe and explain helpful and unhelpful communications in their health care?” (page 8)

Average interview time: not given

Interview time range: 1 - 2 hours each

Analysis: thematic analysis with INVIVO software

44) Thannhauser (2009)

Grounded theory

4(1♂) patients with MS


Not given

Mean age: not given

Age range: 14 - 21 years

Mean time with illness: not given

Mean time until diagnosis: not given.

Sampling: Convenience and discriminatory

Eligibility: (a) diagnosed with MS before the age of 18 years.

Setting: Patient’s home

Study geographical location: Canada

Data collection tool: semi-structured interview with 10 open questions and one focus group. Focused on the role of the peer relationship.

Study Aim: “the following benefits: a) increasing understanding of the experiences of individuals with pediatric MS, b) guiding future research in this area, and c) guiding the development of programs, interventions, and services for children and adolescents with pediatric MS” (page 2)

Average interview time: 1 hour

Interview time range: not given

Analysis: Grounded theory

45) Riessman (2003)

Case study

2(2♂) patients with MS


Not given

Mean age: 40.5

Age range: not given.

Mean time with illness: not given

Mean time until diagnosis: not given.

Sampling: purposive

Eligibility: (a) had a diagnosis of MS

Setting: University setting

Study geographical location: United States of America

Data collection tool: In-depth interviews. Masculinity in the face of illness is explored.

Study Aim: analysis of life history interview

Average interview time:

Interview time range:

Analysis: narrative analysis