17) Hainsworth (1994)

Structured interviews

10 (1♂) patients with MS


Not given

Mean age: 42.8 years

Age range: 28 - 55 years

Mean time with illness: 4 years

Mean time until diagnosis: not given

Sampling: Convenience

Eligibility: (a) a diagnosis of MS

Setting: patients home

Study geographical location: United States of America

Data collection tool: Burke Chronic Sorrow Interview Schedule. The questionnaire uses 16 question to determine the intensity, occurrence, when it can occur and what can influence it

Study Aim: To examine the experiences of chronic sorrow in patients with MS

Average interview time: not given.

Interview time range: 60 - 90 minutes

Analysis: content analysis

18) Hunt et al. (2013)

Phenomenological approach

5( 2♂) patients with MS


Not given

Mean age: not given.

Age range: 40 - 65 years

Mean time with illness: not given. Range = 1 - 30 years

Mean time until diagnosis: not given.

Sampling: purposive

Eligibility: a) living with MS, b) engaged with visual art work

Setting: Private room in physiotherapy clinic

Study geographical location: United Kingdom

Data collection tool: semi-structured interview guide.

Study Aim: “This qualitative study explored the meanings of leisure-based art- making for people living with multiple sclerosis” (page 2)

Average interview time: 1 hour

Interview time range: not given.

Analysis: IPA

19) Irvine et al. (2009)

Semi-structured focus group

8 (1♂) patients with MS


Not given

Mean age: 49 years

Age range: 36 - 63 years

Mean time with illness: 12.8 years

Mean time until diagnosis: not given

Sampling: purposive

Eligibility: a) 18 years and older, b) diagnosed with MS for at least 5 years, c) willing and able to participate in a focus group

Setting: MS charity location

Study geographical location: United Kingdom

Data collection tool: A semi structured interview guide. Focused on views about how MS affects individual’s day to day lives, the patient’s values and how they see themselves.

Study Aim: “this study explored individuals’ subjective experiences of coping with the changes associated with MS and the adjustments required in relation to self and identity” (page 601)

Average interview time:

Interview time range:

Analysis: IPA

20) Lsaksson et al. (2007)

Mixed methods

38 (12♂) patients with MS


RR 26

SP 9

PP 3

Mean age: 40.5 years

Age range: 20 - 62 years

Mean time with illness: 5 years

Mean time until diagnosis: not given

Sampling: purposive

Eligibility: (a) clinically defined or laboratory supported diagnosis of MS

Setting: Patient’s homes or room at a hospital

Study geographical location: Sweden

Data collection tool: semi-structured interview Burke Chronic sorrow inventory. Focused on the patients concerns of chronic sorrow.

Study Aim: “The overall aim of this study was to explore the presence and meaning of chronic sorrow in 61 persons with MS” (page 316)

Average interview time: not given

Interview time range: not given

Analysis: latent content analysis

21) Isaksson and Ahlström (2008)

* same sample― excluded for totals

Descriptive with semi-structured interviews

38 (12♂) patients with MS


RR 26

SP 9

PP 3

Mean age: 40.5 years

Age range: 20 - 62 years

Mean time with illness: 5 years

Mean time until diagnosis: not given

Sampling: purposive

Eligibility: (a) clinically defined or laboratory supported diagnosis of MS

Setting: Patient’s homes or room at a hospital

Study geographical location: Sweden

Data collection tool: semi-structured interview Burke Chronic sorrow inventory. Focused on the patients concerns of chronic sorrow

Study Aim: “the goals of this study were to describe the method patients with MS use to mange choric sorrow and to apply these management methods to the theoretical model of chronic sorrow” (page 181)

Average interview time:

Interview time range:

Analysis: latent content analysis

22) Kirkpatrick Pinson et al. (2009)

Semi-structured interviews

10 (0♂) patients with MS


Not given

Mean age: 56.4 years

Age range: 46 - 68 years

Mean time with illness: 17.4 years

Mean time until diagnosis: not given

Sampling: purposive

Eligibility: a) clinical diagnosis for at least 8 years, b) a diagnosis of progressive-relapsing, secondary progressive, or primary progressive type of multiple sclerosis, c) no major depression currently, d) self or physician assessment of successful coping.

Setting: at participants home or convenient locations

Study geographical location: United States of America

Data collection tool: semi structured interview tool. Arranged around the precursors to coping.

Study Aim: “report findings on how the precursors described above are expressed in women who are coping effectively with MS.” (page 184)

Average interview time: not given

Interview time range: not given

Analysis: thematic analysis