Variable | Proxy variable | Symbol | Calculation method |
Bank risk-taking | Non-performing loan ratio | NPL | non-performing loans to total loans ratio (%) |
Loan allocation ratio | LLPR | Ratio of loan provisions to total loans (%) | |
Z value | lnZ | . is the average return on assets, is the ratio of shareholders’ equity to total assets, and is the three-year rolling standard deviation of based on periods , and . | |
Information disclosure | Information disclosure index | DIS | The disclosure situation of 20 items in BankScope is selected for measurement and defined as: , where represents the score of various information disclosure. If it is disclosed, it is denoted as 1; otherwise, it is denoted as 0. |
Deposit insurance system | dummy variable | INS | Implementation of the deposit insurance system after 2015 takes the value of 1 and 0 otherwise. |
Core explanatory variable | Value of franchise | BCV | , where ROE' is the pre-tax return on capital; is the risk-free rate of return and δ is the discount rate. |
Capital adequacy ratio | Cap | Equity capital to total assets ratio (%) | |
Size of assets | Size | Natural logarithm of the Bank’s total assets (RMB100 million) | |
Variable of control | Loan-to-deposit ratio | LDR | loan-to-deposit ratio (%) |
Deposits to assets ratio | DAR | deposits to assets ratio (%) | |
Interbank offered rate | IIR | Weighted average interbank lending rate (7 days) (%) | |
GDP growth rate | GDPR | The national GDP growth rate is used for state-owned commercial banks and joint-stock commercial banks, while the regional GDP growth rate (%) is used for urban commercial banks, rural commercial banks and foreign banks. |