
Document unique

Programme de prévention

Helpful features

- Mandatory for all employers, in accordance with labor code article R4121-1.

- The results of the occupational risk prevention initiative are transcribed into a single document.

- Is updated annually; is dynamic and evolves in pace with changes in the company.

- Makes possible the statistical monitoring of risk and risk reduction.

- Promotes decreases in work-related hazards, and thus less absenteeism, less expense due to workplace accidents and work stoppages, hence a more productive business.

- Is written by the employer with participation of workers.

- The document is complete; its required content is specified in the regulation.

- Proposes concrete actions and measures focused on eliminating work-related hazards.

- Is updated annually: is dynamic and evolves in pace with changes in the company.

- Lists and categorizes the principal work-related hazards.

- Contains the regulations and standards applicable to reducing hazards.

- Promotes decreases in work-related hazards, and thus less absenteeism, less expense due to workplace accidents and work stoppages, hence a more productive business.

- Is written by the employer with participation of workers.


- The business owner does most of the writing; the workload is often onerous.

- The legislation does not propose a model; the employer must sort and weigh the criteria for choosing a support.

- No exhaustive list of the risks or categories is proposed in the legislation; the employer creates his own referential.

- In many companies, the document is poorly written, does not reflect reality, is incomplete and used rarely if ever.

- Is mandatory only for enterprises in certain high-priority groups defined in the legislation.

- There is little research or study on the effectiveness of this program in small and medium-sized enterprises.

- Is dependent on occupational health and safety committees, which are not always effective.

- Little information is available on how to write the document.

- Writing of the document is difficult for employers, who must sort and weigh the criteria for choosing a support.

- Employers and workers find the document too theoretical and of little practical value.