
Urban system

Design strategies

Viles & Rosier, 2001 [6]

Physical and


・ With rich environmental values

・ With rich aesthetic values

・ City development control

・ Renovation and improvement of communication in landscape

・ Protecting environmental integrity (Viles & Rosier, 2001)

Griffin, 2005 [7]

Socioeconomic and environmental

・ Recreational opportunities

・ Creation of active social fields

・ Creation of necessary accesses

・ Reinforcement and expansion of tourism

・ Reduction of pollution

・ Increase of land price beside greenways

・ Expansion of nature to access borders

・ Physical security

・ Interaction of different social groups in fields (Griffin, 2005)

Little, 1995 [5]

Physical, environmental, socioeconomic

・ Open communicating space

・ Recreational greenways

・ Environmentally valuable natural corridors (Little, 1995)

Fabos, 1995 [8]

Physical, environmental, socioeconomic

・ Creation of continuity between open and green spaces and natural bed out of the city

・ Facilitating flows and environmental processes

・ Cultural corridors such as historical ways (Fabos, 1995)

European Greenways Association, 2005 [9]

Physical, environmental, socioeconomic

・ Multiple functions and increase of recreational function with close interaction with nature (European Greenways Association, 2005)

Ahern, 1995 [10]

Physical, environmental, socioeconomic

・ Giving priority to nature

・ Promotion of walking

・ Developing recreational opportunities

・ Improving natural corridors (Ahern, 1995)

Turner, 2006 [11]

Physical, environmental, socioeconomic

・ Promotion of recreational centers

・ Attention to environmental issues

・ Attention to aesthetic aspects (Turner, 2006)