Interventions categorized by professions | Overview of parent-child intervention programs by population | Parent-child intervention programs prevalent in the world | Popular intervention programs that are not evidence-based |
1) Parent-child interventions in sleep difficulties | 1) Four parent-child intervention programs during pregnancy | 1) Living with children | 1) PET-Parent Effectiveness Training |
2) Occupational therapy: Three Intervention Programs | 2) Overview of mixed programs for single-parent mothers | 2) The incredible years | 2) STEP—Systematic Training for Effective Parenting |
3) Physical therapy: Five intervention programs | 3) Intervention programs for fathers | 3) HNC—Helping The Noncompliant Child | 3) Triple P: Positive Parenting Program (USA) |
4) Communication disorders: Two intervention programs in the areas of language and literacy. | 4) Healthy family America for at-risk populations | 4) PCIT—Parent Child Interaction Therapy | 4) EHS—Early Head Start (USA) |
5) Nutrition: Community intervention to promote healthy life habits among children and youth |
6) Psychology: Three parent-child intervention programs focused on attachment |