

Regulating Plan

A plan or map of the regulated area designating the locations where different building form standards apply, based on clear community intentions regarding the physical characteristics of the area being coded.

Building Form Standards

Regulations controlling the configuration, features, and functions of buildings that define and shape the public realm.

Public Space/Street Standards

Specifications for the elements within the public realm (e.g., sidewalks, travel lanes, street trees, street furniture, etc.).


A clearly defined application and project review process.


A glossary to ensure the precise use of technical terms.

Other Optional Elements

Architectural Standards

Regulations controlling external architectural materials and quality.

Landscaping Standards

Regulations controlling landscape design and plant materials on private property as they impact public spaces (e.g. regulations about parking lot screening and shading, maintaining sightlines, ensuring unobstructed pedestrian movements, etc.).

Signage Standards

Regulations controlling allowable signage sizes, materials, illumination, and placement.

Environmental Resource Standards

Regulations controlling issues such as stormwater drainage and infiltration, development on slopes, tree protection, solar access, etc.


Text and illustrations explaining the intentions of specific code provisions.