Unit committee (In selected communities)

Stages involved in bringing out comprehensive development plan

Extent of participation (actual participation)

Gap identified

Remarks from team/researchers

Plan preparation

45.5% of unit committees considered in the study were involved in Plan preparation

54.5% of the unit committees were not involved in Plan preparation

Inputs from the unit committees are necessary; thus, the need for the Assembly to consider the unit committees in plan preparation


Plays collaborative roles in plan implementation (100% involvement in terms of implementation)


The assembly needs to be recommended for full involvement of unit committees in project implementation

Monitoring and evaluation

Supervisory role through daily on-site inspection. 81.8% were involved in monitoring while 18.2% were involved in evaluation

18.2% gap in terms of monitoring while 81.8% gap in terms of evaluation

The gap could be attributed to the logistical problems faced by the Unit committees. This implies that unit committees should be provided with logistics so as to undertake monitoring and evaluation

Community members

Plan preparation

22.3% of community members were aware of plan while 26.5% were involved in plan preparation

77.7% of community members not aware of plan while 73.5% were not involved in plan preparation

The views of community members need to be solicited in terms of plan preparation

Plan implementation

44.4% were involved in plan implementation

55.6% of community members were not involved in plan implementation

Communities’ involvement in plan implementation is essential since it ensures sustainability of projects. This calls for need for the Assembly to involve communities

Monitoring and evaluation

0% of community members were involved

100% gap in terms of community participation in monitoring and evaluation

The MPCU should endeavor to involve community members in monitoring and evaluation since they could provide valuable inputs to inform project implementation