Comparison for Node 3: Lansing Medical District

Present streetscape Representative of the zoning code

Alternative streetscape Representative of the form-based code

Basis for Alternative Streetscape Images Development : Form-based Code Application

・ Based on Casper’s Old Yellowstone District Form Based Code

・ Zone 1: This zone is the most intensive development area and is most appropriate for multi-story mixed-use buildings with ground floor offices and commercial. Building types include podium tower, perimeter block, stacked flats, icon structures and parking buildings.

・ Street Banners

- Although street banners are not mentioned specifically in either the lighting or sign sections of the code, examples of street banners are shown in the lighting section, which we interpreted that they may not be regulated, but an acceptable form of signage.

- Lighting Objective: To ensure quality lighting design through glare reduction, minimum overspill and the use of fixtures that promote the existing character.

・ Freestanding/Monument Sign

- The maximum number of free-standing signs is one (1) per street frontage.

- All free standing signs shall be monument-type (solid base). Pole and pylon signs are prohibited.

- Monument signs may be internally illuminated, however, the sign copy should be the only portion of the sign face that is illuminated. The sign background or field should be opaque with a non-gloss, non-reflective finish.

- Monument signs shall be placed perpendicular to the street, and so they do not obstruct sight lines at driveways or intersections.

- Monument signs shall incorporate landscaping at their base, in accordance with the landscaping regulations found in the Appendix of the Old Yellowstone District and South Poplar Street Corridor Form-Based Code.

- Monument signs shall conform with the following: Max height-8’, Max Area 50 sq.ft.

・ Building Wrap

- This sign type has not been specified or regulated within the model code but does follow the guidelines of the General Standards subsection.

・ Wall Sign/Mural

- Wall signs shall not project from the surface upon which they are attached more than twelve inches (12”).

- Wall signs and “ghost” signs painted directly on a structure are appropriate.

・ The maximum total wall signage per façade shall not exceed two (2) square feet per linear foot of building façade length of the wall on which it is to be located. In no case shall total wall signage exceed a maximum of three hundred (300) square feet.