Symbol | Definition | Units |
| The average velocity of mixed traffic flow | mile/hour |
| The vehicle by the total distance of a road | mile |
| Some sections of the vehicle by the total time | hour |
| The safe distance from driving | mile |
| The length of self-driving, cooperating cars | mile |
| The proportion of self-driving, cooperating cars | mile |
| Through a section of distance | mile |
| Through a road the total time of driving cars | hour |
| Through a road the total time of self-driving cars | hour |
| Under the influence of the driving cars, the self-drive delay time | hour |
| The proportion of self-driving |
| A road traffic flow | hour |
| Some sections of the vehicle density |
| A road block coefficient |
| The average speed of driving cars | mile/hour |
| The average speed of self-driving cars | mile/hour |
| The average speed of zero flow | mile/hour |