Inclusion Criteria

Non-Inclusion Criteria


Ÿ Sex: female and male;

Ÿ Age: between 30 and 65 years old;

Ÿ Phototype: I to II;

Ÿ Type: Caucasian;

Ÿ Subjects with dry, normal and combination skin.


Ÿ Healthy subject;

Ÿ Subject having given his/her free informed, written consent;

Ÿ • Subject willing to adhere to the protocol and study procedures.

Ÿ Female Specific-pregnant or nursing women or women planning to get pregnant during the study;

Ÿ Cutaneous pathology on the study zone (eczema, etc.);

Ÿ Subject with make-up on the day of the visit at the laboratory;

Ÿ Use of topical or systemic treatment during the previous weeks liable to interfere with the assessment of the cutaneous acceptability/efficacy of the study product:

- Change in anti-wrinkle, smoothing, firming and/or brightening topical products within previous week on the studied zones,

- Non-invasive procedures within previous month on the studied zones,

- Intake of food supplement acting on skin within the three previous months,

- Invasive procedures:

○ deep chemical peeling within previous 3 months on the studied zones,

○ mesotherapy, dermapen, laser within previous 6 months on the studied zones,

○ botox and/or hyaluronic acid injections within previous 12 months on the studied zones;

Ÿ Subject having undergone a surgery under general anesthesia within the previous month;

Ÿ Excessive exposure to sunlight or UV-rays within the previous month;

Ÿ Subject enrolled in another clinical trial during the study period (concerns the studied zone).