Six dimentions cultur distance base on Hofstede (2010) |
1) Power distance index: The index measures the degree of inequality that exists in a society. |
2) Uncertainty avoidance index: The index measures the extent to which a society feels threatened by uncertain or ambiguous situations. |
3) Individualism index: The index measure the extent to which a society is individualistic. Individualism refers to a loosely knit social framework in a society where people are supposed to take care of themselves and their immediate families. The other end of the spectrum would be collectivism that occurs when there is a tight social framework in which people distinguish between in-groups and out-groups; they expect their in-groups (relatives, clans, organizations) to look after them in exchange for absolute loyalty. |
4) Masculinity index (Achievement vs. Relationship): The index measures the extent to which the dominant values are assertiveness, money, and things (achievement), not caring for others, or quality of life. The other end of the spectrum would be femininity (relationship). |
5) Long term orientation v.s. short term normative orientation implies the degree to which a society prioritizes the present |
6) Indulgence v.s. Restraint refers to the degree to which a society allows free gratification of enjoying life and having fun rather than regulates it by strict norms. |