

Form and space in the city

The concrete wall, lack of access, and subpar water quality all decrease the water feature’s contribution to the genius loci and local identity and character. There is a gap in terms of landscape coherence, and the urban blocks are inaccessible to the edge of the water, with no connection to nearby open areas, junctions, and place markers.


The contrast and harmony of colors are important factors to consider about when trying to enhance the aesthetic quality of plant color landscapes. Each color has its own distinct character, and the most crucial aspect of color design is the way various hues work together to create a harmonious as a whole. Some developed greenfield can enhance the beauty of their surroundings by hosting commercial enterprises, cultural events, memorials, and tourist attractions.


Indoor activities do not require access to water, and there is a lack of variety near the waterfront. After being restored, tourist resorts and comprehensive parks had slightly more water than neighborhood parks.

Meaning and association

The possibility of conserving modern heritage in Changsha, historical buildings in the city are significant. The Changsha Heritage Building and other Heritage Shophouses provide associations and meaning.