Variables Name


1. Distance of school from home (SDIST)

Continuous variable

2. Frequency of guidance and counseling service (FGCS)

Dummy, it takes vale of 1 if guidance and counseling service is regularly implemented in the school, 0 otherwise

3. Availability of school facilities (ASF)

Dummy, it takes vale of 1 if proper reading place are available in the school, 0 otherwise

4. Rewards given in the school for best grade scorer female students (RGBSFS)

Dummy, takes 1 if rewards given in the school for best grade scorer female students 0 other wise

5. Teachers quality and commitment to support female students (TQCSFS)

Dummy, takes 1 if teachers are highly committed to support female students, 0 other wise

6. Approachability and Professionalism of teachers (APT)

Dummy, 1 if teachers are professionally approached to female students, 0 other wise

7. Availability of gender sensitive facilities(AGSF)

Dummy, 1 if gender sensitive facilities (toilet, water, pad) are available, 0 other wise

8. School rule and regulations that protect safety and security of female students (SRRPFS)

Dummy, 1 if rule and regulations that protect safety and security of female students available in the school, 0 other wise

9. Level of awareness about gender issue (LAAGI)

Dummy, 1 if the level of awareness of school community about gender issue is high, 0 otherwise