Question Text

Question Types

Q1. What is the location and category of your school?

Single-response MCQ

Q2. What grade is your child?

Single-response MCQ

Q3. What kind of parent are you?

Single-response MCQ

Q4. What is your education level?

Single-response MCQ

Q5. In what ways can your child receive online education?

Multiple-response MCQ

Q6. Do you accompany your children in online learning?

Single-response MCQ

Q7. How long do you spend studying with your children every day?

Single-response MCQ

Q8. How often do you tutor your child’s coursework or


Single-response MCQ

Q9. Can your child independently use the online learning device?

Single-response MCQ

Q10. What is your child’s online learning status?

Single-response MCQ

Q11. For online learning, what does the school require

parents to cooperate with?

Multiple-response MCQ

Q12. What do you think are the benefits of online education?

Multiple-response MCQ

Q13. What do you think are the disadvantage of online learning?

Multiple-response MCQ

Q14. Are you satisfied with the effect of online teaching during the epidemic?

Yes/No Questions

Q15. What is your attitude toward online teaching?

Single-response MCQ

Q16. Which of the following learning habits do you think your children have developed through online education during the epidemic?

Multiple-response MCQ