

H1: There is an impact of economic value-added measures on firm financial performance.

Fully Supported

H1a: There is an impact of EVA on ROA.


H1b: There is an impact of REVA on ROA.


H1c: There is an impact of EVA Momentum on ROA.


H2: Economic value added (EVA) provides superior relative information content compared to other value based measures in explaining the financial performance.

Not Supported

H3: Refined economic value added (REVA) provides superior relative information content compared to other value based measures in explaining the financial performance, represented by ROA.


H4: Economic value added momentum (EVA Momentum) provides superior relative information content compared to other value based measures in explaining the financial performance.

Not Supported

H5: Economic value added (EVA) provides superior incremental information content compared to other value based measures in explaining the financial performance.

Not Supported

H6: Refined economic value added (REVA) provides superior incremental information content compared to other value based measures in explaining the financial performance.


H7: Economic value added momentum (EVA Momentum) provides superior incremental information content compared to other value based measures in explaining the financial performance.

Not Supported