Variable type

Variable name


Variable definition

Interpreted variable

Loan growth rate

L O A N i , t

L o a n b a l a n c e t L o a n b a l a n c e t 1 L o a n b a l a n c e t 1

Non-performing loan ratio

N P L i , t

Baddebt Totalloanbalance

Explanatory variable

Leverage ratio

L E R i , t

Tier-1capital Adjustedbalanceofassetsinsideandoutsidethetable

Control variable

Capital adequacy ratio

C A R i , t

Tier1capital Riskweightedassets

Proportion of bank size

A S S E T i , t

Balanceoftotalassetsattheendoftheperiod Totalassetsofthesamplebank

Market share

M S i , t

Endingloanbalance Totalsamplebankloans

Return on net assets

R O E i , t

Netprofit Owne r sequity

Economic growth rate

G D P R t

G D P t G D P t 1 G D P t 1

Growth rate of money supply

M t

M 2 t M 2 t 1 M 2 t 1