Gana, Saada & Untas (2013).

Marriage & Family Review

Empirical research

To analyze the effects of love styles on marital satisfaction, using the Actor-Partner Interdipendence Model (APIM, 2006)

146 heterosexual couples.

Women age 51.17 years (SD 18.66) (range 18 - 83)

Men age 52.97 years (SD 18.62) (range 18 - 78)

85% married

103 with children

Length of marriage: 28.33 years (SD 17.30) (range 4 months to 60 years)


Convenience sample, contacted by university students.

Questionnaires filled

independently by the partners.

Love styles

Marital Satisfaction

Depression and anxiety

All variables measured by validate tools

Goodboy & Myers (2010) Communication Reports

Empirical research

To analize the influence of love styles on the use of negative relational maintenance behaviors, such as jealousy induction, avoidance, spying, infidelity, destructive conflict, allowing control

205 romantic partners

152 Women, Age = 23.74 years (SD 9.07)

(range 18 - 60 years)

60% serious committed relationship

15% married current romantic

Partner = age 24.42 years (SD 9.26) (range 17 - 65 years)

The length of romantic relationships = 4.18 years (SD 7.20) (range 2 months - 37 years)

Mid-Atlantic University

Undergraduate students distributed questionnaires to individuals currently in a romantic relationship

Love styles

Relationship quality

Negative relational maintenance behaviors

All variables measured by validate tools

Goodboy et al. (2012). Communication Quarterly

Empirical research

To examine the predictive value of love styles on intentional jealousy-evoking be havior directed toward a romantic partner

197 undergraduate students 104 women

Age = 20 years (SD 2), (range 18 - 30 years)

The length of relationships = 18.91 months (SD 14.78) (range 2 - 71 months)



Love styles


Affectionate communication received from a partner

All variables measured by validate tools

Graham (2011).

Journal of Social and Personal Relationships


To identify the higher-order factors underlying the most popular measures of love.

To assess the correlations of these factors with relationship satisfaction and length

81 studies representing 103 samples

19.387 individuals

737 correlations

Samples of young, white, heterosexual individuals provide the majority of information

English-language studies involving original data. Collection using one or more of the primary measures.

The author or at least two trained undergraduate research assistants examined each article


Relationship satisfaction

All variables measured by validate tools

Hammock & Richardson (2011).

The Journal of Social Psychology

Empirical research

To examine the association of love styles with the different phases of relationship (initiation, maintenance, and dissolution).

Gender differences about love styles

148 psychology students

97 Females

Age = 18 - 32 years

97% 18- 23 years

56.8% involved in a relationship with about 38% for more than a year.

76.9% reported that on average their relationships lasted less than a year.

Love styles (by validate tool)

Relationship phases (by ad hoc measures)

Honari & Saremi (2015).

Procedia Social and Behavioral Sciences

Empirical research

To investigate the association between love styles and attachment styles. In particular to observe the association with obsessive love style

306 graduate university students

All girls

Ages = 28.7 years (SD 4.3)

(range, 25 - 40 years)

50% married

Nyshaboor Iran

Love styles

Attachment style

All variables measured by validate tools