

Requirement 1: Theory Alignment

The book should align with the theoretical findings.

Requirement 2: Character Development

The characters and storylines should be convincing where a child and caregiver could imagine and identify themselves as having experienced the same or similar circumstances.

Requirement 3: Convincing Storylines

The storyline should illustrate problem-solving techniques, evoke emotions, illustrate how the characters reduced feelings of anxiety and stress, and provide a means for relevant discussion about the book’s content.

Requirement 4: Generate Emotional Response

The story might engender empathy, respect, tolerance, acceptance, positivity, comprehension, and new literacy skills.

Requirement 5: Objectivity

The narratives and illustrations should refrain from bias, subjectivity, problematizing parents, and polarizing depictions of incarcerated persons.

Requirement 6: Realism

The stories should refrain from using unrealistic fairytale outcomes or unrealistic story endings.